The Call of God to Try Something New


I’ve been getting some serious joy out of trying new things. Perhaps it’s age and the desire to stretch myself. I actually blame it on COVID. Coming out of the pandemic lock-down, I’ve felt drawn to new experiences. In the last 6 months, when given the option of something ‘tried and true’ or something new, I’ve gone with the unknown. This has meant: a new prayer practice, new worship songs, new restaurants, a new store, a new brand, a new menu item, a new vegan bakery (seriously, so good!!), a new way of serving, and best of all a new sport (surfing!).

Hopelessness is believing tomorrow will be exactly like today. That it’s not possible to shift or change what you’re experiencing right now.

Hope is believing tomorrow can be different and better than today.

God says to you and I, “I’m doing a new thing.”

“Behold, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness and streams in the desert.” – Isaiah 43:19 Berean Study Bible

The new experiences I mentioned above are good. I do encourage you to branch out, to try new things and experiences. There are also the weighty, often invisible, core realities that God wants to make new for you. A new way of thinking. A new way of living into your identity. A new way of making a difference. A new way of seeing yourself and those around you. A new way of being in the world.

The invitation to you and I is to believe that there is something new on the horizon. This ‘something new’ could feel far away right now, just out of sight. Perhaps trying a new thing or experience today – something you can choose right now – will remind you of all the new that is still yet to come. I hope you experience some of the joy I’ve felt as I’ve been heeding this call to ‘something new.’

Friends, God’s beloveds, let me know what you try! I’d love to hear what practicing this call of God is like for you.