The Journey.

Adventure vs. Safety

At the playground with my kids, I overhear a parent and their child. “Watch out for that!”“Don’t step down from there!”“Be careful!”“That’s dangerous, please get

At the Charcoal Fire

I sit on a plane.Watching a sunset out my window.Delayed but now on my way home. I feel the familiar joy of spending myself for

I Believe in Healing

Wholeness and healing are available. I will never stop believing that miracles are possible.I’ve witnessed first-hand cancer that is wiped out,babies that survive and thrive,money that

My Grandma Jean: Love & Stories

Experiences with her are woven together in a blurry, patchwork of memories. Tables full of cousins at Christmas time. Turkey and BBQ, stuffed raisin cookies,

Christmas – holy or humdrum?

There are times when every ordinary moment seems so precious and vivid, wild with life. Where things are seemingly suspended in the air, as if

Experiencing-Self / Remembering-Self

In her book All Joy and No Fun: The paradox of modern parenthood, Jennifer Senior describes the ways children reshape the lives of their parents.