God Works In the Wait


The work God is doing in you is primarily what is happening while you are waiting. Often the thought is that the work is done when we arrive at the big place that we are praying for, yet so often the work, the real work, is done in the in-between.

I know this. I’ve experienced this before.
Yet, somehow this still surprises me.

This morning was one of those shifts. The realization that all of the “major things” that I am waiting on are not experiencing the momentum that I am praying for. The projects are stopped for one reason or another. Permitting on one. Timing on another. Processing of paperwork. Paused.

Yet, on the other hand, all the things that I’ve been praying for are happening. The deep, weighty prayers for people. Generosity and engagement, conversation and connection. Movement of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Sweet time in the Word of God. Uniting together in love for people around us.

This is all so good.

What good might I miss while my eyes are fixed on what’s next?

Sitting in Psalm 77.

The psalmist is crying out and despairing.

“Will the Lord reject forever?
Will he never show his favor again?

Psalm 77:7

Then the Psalmist remembers the God they are crying out to.

“Then I thought… I will remember the deeds of the Lord;
yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.” Psalm 77:10

You made a way.
You worked miracles.
The sea opened.
And the people walked through.
You led.

Then, one of my favorite verses:

“Your path led through the sea, your way through the mighty waters, though your footprints were not seen.” Psalm 77:19

The people were actively led by God through the sea. This was a miracle. Yet God’s footprints were not seen.
They experienced the wind, they saw the work of God in the movement of the sea and the path that opened before them. Still, part of the presence of God remained a mystery.

Though your footprints were not seen…

Though your footprints are not seen, you are leading even now. I will remember the deeds of the Lord.

What are you waiting for right now?

How is God inviting you to see the work of God in your life, even now?

May we say today:
Lead on. Even though your footprints are not seen, I trust you, my God.