grat·i·tude: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.
Last Thursday our son joined all the other second graders at his school in giving a Thanksgiving concert. In the words of my dear husband, “it brought on all the feels.” Hearing them sing and do the motions to each song was simply a joy.
My favorite part was a song that I have heard on repeat in our home for over a month. Do you like “ear-worms?” Songs that stay with you no matter how hard you try to remove them from your mind? This is that, but it certainly is a delightful one! A song that focuses hearts and minds in the direction of gratitude. Because who doesn’t need some help with that sometimes?
I’ve got a gratitude attitude!
I’ve got a gratitude attitude yeah yeah yeah!
I’ve got a gratitude attitude!
I’ve got a gratitude attitude yeah yeah yeah!
What are you grateful for? (x4)
He learned this song on the piano so nearly every day we start and end with these words filling the air.
So, I want to ask you, beloveds, what are you grateful for?
Today, I’m grateful for…
- My child’s tender heart to ask me to pray together for those who lost a loved one.
- Sacred moments with colleagues on retreat together this week.
- The way God answered my prayer and reminded me of the deep purpose I have in ministry.
- Meaningful connection with my husband. It was 20 years ago that we met and it just keeps getting better!
- Experiencing the presence and radiant love of God!
My list goes on.

Pausing for gratitude doesn’t take away the pain. Stress, loss of loved ones, anxiety, cancer, and heartache are real and don’t “magically” go away.
Still, gratitude helps me come home to who I really am. It puts my heart in a posture of love. It builds resilience to walk whatever path we are walking.
A verse I memorized years ago comes to mind.
“I have set the Lord always before me, because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” – Psalm 16:8
This psalm invites me to keep my eyes on the Lord. The verse before this even specifically mentions praise. The one after it draws our attention to the gladness of heart that is the result.
In a way, I do believe gratitude to God can make us unshakeable.
Dear friends, may you know that God is with you.
May you take time for gratitude this week, allowing God to build up your heart.
May you feel grounded in the present, the gift of this very moment.