Ava squealed when I told her Christmas is coming. Truth be told, she asked how long it would be until her birthday, since several friends had parties recently. But when she found out Christmas comes before her birthday it was such a joy to see.
Full smile. Dancing eyes. Jumping with excitement.
“Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” – Luke 18:17
“No one can see the kingdom without being born again…” – John 3:3
Receive the Kingdom like a child.
Fully present.
Without anxiety.
Be here. In this.
“The Kingdom belongs to such as these” (v. 16).
What does it look like to enter into the joy of the Kingdom of God like a child?

The first word that comes to me is: freedom. Freedom that comes from fullness of trust.
So I take a moment to imagine.
To take in the work of God all around me in this present and coming kingdom.
I smile a huge smile.
I let my eyes dance.
I jump with excitement.
Welcome, Holy Spirit!
Would you join me, beloved friends, in the joy of the Kingdom of God?
O God, I am your child, born again by the gift of Jesus. Open my eyes that I may see your work in me, around me, and through me, in this Kingdom that has come and is coming. Amen.