There are times when every ordinary moment seems so precious and vivid, wild with life. Where things are seemingly suspended in the air, as if experienced in slow motion. Everything feels like the gift that it is.
There are other times life is steady. Indistinguishable moments lived in a blur of speed. All fading together.
It’s all life.
The remarkable and the run-of-the-mill.
It’s all my life.
The ordinary moments so sweet.
Other moments that pass by unnoticed, unnamed, under-appreciated.
Yet, it’s all what makes up life.
Whether this Christmas day feels vividly precious or routine, holy or humdrum, you and I are invited to settle in. Invited to be, here. Exactly where we are today. It’s the greatest gift: the present.
This day, I praise you God for the moments I am aware of how precious life is. And the ones I am not. The gifts that touch my heart and make me sing. As well as the ones that keep me, even when I am unaware.
Thank you, Jesus. Immanuel, in you I live and move and have my being.
Dear Beloved Child of God. You are seen. You are known. You are not alone.
God is with you in all of these moments, wherever you are.
May you, like Mary, take in each part of your life as you “ponder them in your heart.”
May you see the evidence of God’s faithfulness all around you.
Merry Christmas!