Last week was a weighty week for us.
My heart was full of joy as I officiated at my mom’s wedding.
Ralph is a fantastic human and I’m so grateful that he and my mom are together.
It’s a true gift to watch the delight dance in my mom’s eyes.
To see how settled and comfortable they are with each other.

The very same morning my mom’s mother passed to her rest.
We celebrate. We grieve.
We live with jubilation and cheer,
right alongside tears and sorrow.
So much of life is this way.
Meaning and mourning mingled together.
Jesus says in John 10:10, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”
What if fullness of life encompasses all of it?
This means being present to life, and God’s work in the here and now includes showing up to all of this. Life to the full means jubilation, as well as weeping. Satisfaction and sweat. Hard work and accomplishment, alongside failure. Development and sleeplessness. Life to the full.
May you have the courage and grace to show up to all that is your life.
May the Spirit ease your anguish and animate your gratitude.
May you know that you are fully and truly loved.