It was just relish, right?

We roasted hot dogs and had dill relish with them tonight. Then I left to get the kids ready for bed while Caleb fed the dog. When I came back I rinsed the dishes by moonlight. That relish spoon sure feels odd. We only used it for relish, I thought, as I rubbed it with […]
All the things easily overlooked

It has been 12 months since we closed our sanctuary.12 months. I’m not sure if I can adequately express the grief of this.For the first time, we had kids in our sanctuary this week. They came solo or in sibling groups. On the platform, signing their song for the camera.Tears flooded my eyes.How much they’ve […]
enough: God’s sustaining strength in an ordinary mason jar

Some of these days have felt longer than normal. I feel the weight of grief pressing down on my chest and shoulders. Sometimes tears escape down my cheeks. I move to do what I do each night, keeping an unconventional and grounding spiritual practice. I fill my jar with water. It’s a spiritual practice of […]
living a powerful, dependent life

One of the hallmarks of humanity’s progress has been finding and using the power available to us. We harness the strength of muscle, fire, wind, gas, oil, coal, and nuclear energy. Many of us, however, have yet to utilize the spiritual power and strength available to us. All throughout the Bible, where the Holy Spirit […]
the command to be angry

“In your anger do not sin” ( Eph 4:26) This is a quote from Psalm 4:4 which literally translated says, “Be angry and do not sin.” Most commentators translate this as conditional – “if and when you get angry, do not sin.” Some, however, view this as a double command. In other words, be angry […]
What was preaching like for you this year?

“What is it like for you to preach virtually instead of in-person?”The tone of this question has been one of two types. 1.) Those who imagine these last 10 months as a “vacation” for the lead pastor or preaching pastor. 2.) Those who realize the weight of this time, and the energy it has taken […]
a Christmas baby and the year 2020

I’m feeling quiet and reflective tonight. Yes, it’s the time of year. The end of the year. The holidays. The story of Jesus that changes our lives. And it’s also this particular year. 2020. A year I will never forget. I think back to 2011. This is the year I whispered the words to Caleb, […]
“I want to do it by my own self”

“I want to do it by my own self” — These words are such frequent ones in our household. Our 2 1/2 year old daughter is strong and resilient already. She doesn’t easily give up, even as she encounters her own limitations. When we are raising kids the goal is to help them grow into […]
This is invariably true.

“Nevertheless, I am always with you;You hold me by my right hand.You guide me with your counsel,And afterward you will take me into glory.” Psalm 73:23-24 The psalm for the day grabbed my attention.Nevertheless.In spite of it all.Notwithstanding.Yet, even in this. No matter what is happening in my life.Notwithstanding my own mistakes and foolishness.In spite […]
I have a question for you

What would you do for others if nothing was holding you back?