The Fire

Seventeen years ago this October, Caleb and I got married. One of the home appliances we bought with a wedding gift card was a bread maker. We had dreams of always having fresh bread in our home. We thought, we will “never need to buy store-bought bread again!” as the box said. Our first attempt […]

Today, you and I are invited to cry out:“Help, Lord.” —Psalm 12:1 God’s sure response:“Fear not, I will help you.” Isaiah 41:13
Can’t make this stuff up…

During my sermon, I talked about being a strange person – that I’m from Seattle, yet I do not like coffee. As they walked out, someone talked to me about how I should start drinking two cups a day for health benefits. I’m pretty sure we can find a health benefit to anything (I don’t […]
Summer Travels, Developmental Leaps, and God’s Delight

We traveled this summer. Preaching and then spending time together as a family. 5 year old Josiah, 16 month old Ava, my husband Caleb and I explored beaches and hiked in forests in British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and California. Beauty all around. Bright spots of joy everywhere. Our Maker’s handiwork on full display. Only a […]

Me: I’m the pastor at Azure Hills Him: Which denomination? Me: I’m Seventh-day Adventist Him: He’s Adventist too (pointing at Other Guy) Other guy: What denomination are you? Me: Adventist Him: Then your husband is the pastor where? Me: It’s me, I’m the pastor Him: Your husband is where? Me: ::smiling::