What will be your one-word focus?

one word

For quite some time I have approached the year asking God to show me my one-word focus for my next year of life. It’s been interesting to see where the Holy Spirit has led me. In the fall of 2019, as I prayed and made space to hear the word for the next year, God gave me “Flow” as my word for 2020. I thought perhaps this was for the rhythm of family and work that would be characterized by a new focus. I didn’t realize I would be “going with the flow” and following the Spirit through so many unexpected things! Haha! God does have a sense of humor!

In 2021, the word God gave me was “Anticipate.” The word means, “to look forward to as certain; to expect.” This word, when revealed, flooded me with joy. Somehow, God was inviting me to anticipate good things, even while the pandemic was not past us and uncertain days loomed ahead.

What will my one word be for 2022? What will yours be?

Here’s what I do when approaching this.

  1. Make Space. Clear your head and make time to connect with how God has worked in the current year and how you see God at work in the present. Pray and stay open.
  2. Surrender. Remember this is a gift. Direction and wisdom come from God alone. Do not force yourself to “come up with” the right word, but instead hear what God has for you.
  3. Receive. Where is God leading you in this next year? Brainstorm ideas. Ask the Holy Spirit to direct your mind. Narrow it down from twenty words to ten. Ten to five. Five to three. Then choose a word. Sit with this in prayer. Write it down.
  4. Share. Tell those in your inner circle where God has led you and invite them to be a part of your journey as you witness what God will do in the year ahead.
  5. Live it. Write this word and place it in places you will see often. Look for opportunities to live into this word. Determine your priorities based on where God has led you to focus.

I can’t wait to see what God will do with our focus this year as we move into 2022.
Beloved friends, when will you make space to discover your one word?