
“I want the ‘Praise God for the Journey’ song,” Ava requested. “I’m not sure what that is? What song is that, my sweet?” I ask. She begins to sing doxology; however, a few words are her own:“Praise God for the journey, blessings flow! Praise Him all creatures here below!…”“Mom, you know this one!” “Yes, you’re […]
Who You Really Are

“Mommy, I want to read this book! Right now mommy!” Ever in the present, my 3-year old handed me this book, A Kite for Moon. If you haven’t read it yet, it’s a beautifully illustrated tale of Neil Armstrong, from his early childhood conversations with the moon, until he finally touches her himself and says, […]
Favorite Books of 2021

I started off at this time last year with the goal of reading 50 books in 2021. It felt pretty ambitious, given my routine of full-time ministry and full-time parenting. However, I set out believing there had to be some time to reclaim. Late-night social media scrolling, drive time, or walks for exercise could all […]
Our God Comes

From my family to you, Merry Christmas! The word of the Lord for us today:“Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a […]
For the Joy of It

I have been intentional about entering into joy these days. Gratitude lists and pauses for:experiencing the joy,entering the fullness of life,reveling in the answers to prayer,seeing the ways God has been working. So I raised up my hands to God and did a leap for joy.I danced around the room, singing a hymn of praise.And […]
The Greatest Gift

“I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” This past week I had the gift of participating in a spiritual retreat. One of the leaders invited us to repeat, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14). [special thanks to Heidi and Callie]. What a gift to be reminded of my core identity! My worth doesn’t come […]
Take Time for the Story

It’s Sabbath morning and I’m at the church early. I have a few things to finish for worship. While I’m making these preparations, I see him getting out of his car. As I walked by, he steps onto the sidewalk, his eyes following me as I walk away. I don’t feel like I have time. […]
Like a Child

Ava squealed when I told her Christmas is coming. Truth be told, she asked how long it would be until her birthday, since several friends had parties recently. But when she found out Christmas comes before her birthday it was such a joy to see. Squeeeeeeee!!! Full smile. Dancing eyes. Jumping with excitement. “Truly I […]
How to Become Unshakeable

grat·i·tude: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. Last Thursday our son joined all the other second graders at his school in giving a Thanksgiving concert. In the words of my dear husband, “it brought on all the feels.” Hearing them sing and do the motions to each […]
What will be your one-word focus?

For quite some time I have approached the year asking God to show me my one-word focus for my next year of life. It’s been interesting to see where the Holy Spirit has led me. In the fall of 2019, as I prayed and made space to hear the word for the next year, God […]