Celebrate the Wins


We begin a new month today, friends. November is here and 2021 is nearing the close.

As I prepared for my leadership coaching call this last week, I wrote down ideas and took time reflecting. As I was doing this, the Holy Spirit invited me to stop. I paused and listened.

Celebrate the wins, I sensed.

So, I stopped.
I wrote down everything that is going well… all the places that I see movement… the ways God’s presence is known… the peace of God that pervades this season.

I stopped and took in the list.

Celebrate, God whispered to my heart.

Sure, you’re not there yet. But you are doing what I am calling you to do. Notice. Pay attention. I AM at work.

As we begin a new month, I pass along the invitation that I received from God. Stop and celebrate. Write down the wins. Pay attention to where God is at work.

Make a list.
Take it in.
Do a dance.
Take a deep breath.
Express the gratitude.
Be in the joy of this very moment.
For we are in the presence of the Living God.

These don’t have to be huge to be celebrated. You started work on a project you’ve been putting off. You pushed through and did your workout even when you were tired. You called a friend and prayed together instead of “going it alone.” All of these are worthy of celebration.

Hear the Word of the Lord:

“For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” – Zephaniah 3:17 NLT

Beloveds, may you sense God’s pleasure as you celebrate the wins in your own precious life.

PS – Amidst the ministry wins, one of the personal wins I am celebrating is spending time with my family. This fall has been crazy, ya’ll, and getting taro boba (our fav!) and hiking up a mountain is worth celebrating! A’s look says it all 🙂